UNICEF provides handwashing for 1 Million children in Cameroon schools.


As the school year resumes for 7 Million children, students, teachers and communities across Cameroon are being encouraged by the MOEs to follow strict rules and behaviors to prevent the transmission of the virus at the school premises.

With UNICEF facilitation — including from Head Quarter — the National Guidance for safe school reopening during COVID 19 pandemic were developed and endorsed in September 2020 following a series of consultation (from May 2020) between education and health actors.

In early October UNICEF has provided basic hand-washing kits for the benefit of 517,000 students [1] (70% in primary schools) in a total of 5,650 primary (82%) and secondary (18%) schools, that add to the schools previously reached during the June reopening.

Procurement and distributions continue to reach more children, especially those who attend schools without safe water.

More than 56,000 primary and secondary school students have benefitted from school disinfection just before school reopening in Yaounde and Douala, thanks to UNICEF action in collaboration with the Cameroon Red Cross.

UNICEF and MOEs developed a back to school song and clip which contains COVID 19 prevention and psychosocial support messages for students and teachers.

About 300 teachers and administrators from 15 schools in the East and 2 schools in Yaounde were trained in PSS and risk mitigation, which is benefitting 19,000 students.



UNICEF Cameroon
UNICEF Cameroon

Written by UNICEF Cameroon

UNICEF works in Cameroon to give a fair chance in life to every child, everywhere, especially the most disadvantaged.

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