They belong to Generation Unlimited: They learned computer coding and the mounting of drones.
In Cameroon, economic opportunities and jobs opportunities for youths are limited. Training curricula are gradually shifting for job-seeking to jobs-creating mindset. Technology is perceived as being among the most promising and sustainable solution to economic insertion, diversification and revamping national growth.
Within the framework of the global cause-frame “Generation Unlimited initiative” UNICEF Cameroon deemed necessary to optimize existing local intellectual power held by youths in the domain of computerization of solutions to development issues. The objective was to stimulate and sensitize the children on the different opportunities offered by the digital technology and to inspire them to develop their entrepreneurship and innovative skills.
The first edition of « Cameroon Child and Digital » started with children and youths dwelling in large cities where enabling environment is already available (continuous power supply — connectivity — proximity to craftsmanship indispensable for tutorials — easy access to personal computer equipment). The batch is made-up of children living in Douala, Limbe, Yaoundé and Bafoussam.
The sessions gathered together 30 children aged below 15 who emerged as holders of minimal computer skills required to attend such an event. This training took place as part of a BootCamp in Yaounde on 3 main themes; coding, programming and mounting drones.
The implementation strategy includes three major steps inform — influence — Creating Enabling technical environment — pilot testing — rolling-out — building fruitful and sustainable partnerships support for continuation.
High added value partnerships have been established with startups in the new technology sector in Cameroon: Africa Business Solutions; Algo Drone; Caysti; Genius Centers; Likalo Education, especially with schools and national institutions.
These Children were exposed to different opportunities offered by the digital technology for economic and social insertion. They also learned innovative technical skills focused on drones mounting. hands-on sessions also covered animation designing and display. The training session offered them opportunities to become acquainted with digitalized approach to daily development problems solving.
When young people are prepared, and empowered, they can use their energy, creativity and talent to turn an uncertain landscape into a world of opportunity — for themselves and us all. These children proposed innovative solutions such as application to solve the issue of access to an improved drinking water source; a drone to protect flora and fauna…
The children best performing children were awarded prizes and other gifts: tablets, drones, etc. The best projects will be supported for their maturation and materialization.
In 2020, the next edition will focus on the most disadvantaged children in the UNICEF intervention areas East, Adamawa, North and Far North. But it will have to face the challenge of electrical installations and connectivity.
This will also be used as a mean to popularize the use of existing, new and promising technologies in schools and youths’ centers. Talented kids from vulnerable families are receiving special attention. By so doing, UNICEF is also trying its best to contribute to disruption of inter-generational poverty.