Stanley Enow commits with UNICEF as National Ambassador
Douala, 19th August 2020 — Stanley Enow has been appointed UNICEF National Ambassador in recognition of his commitment to social causes, including children rights. The renowned Cameroonian artist joins his voice with that of UNICEF to reimagine a better world for children.
“Stanley Enow is not only one of Cameroon’s most popular artists among young people, he is also a fine example of celebrities who have understood their social responsibility and mobilizes their energy and talent to make the world a better place for children,” said UNICEF Representative in Cameroon Jacques Boyer.
Along with Gino Sitson, Fabrice Ondoa, Charlotte Dipanda, and other UNICEF Ambassadors, Stanley will support UNICEF’s efforts to focus national and international attention to Cameroon’s most vulnerable children and mobilize the necessary resources for them.
To mark this commitment, the author of the famous single “Hein père”, will make a field visit this Wednesday to the Bonassama district hospital, a popular neighborhood in the city of Douala, to discuss with parents and sensitize them on the importance of vaccination. He will then meet with media professionals at 11:30 a.m. for a press briefing during which he will express the purpose of his pledge to the cause of children.
“It is a great honour for me to join my voice with other UNICEF Ambassadors in Cameroon to make the voices of children, especially the most vulnerable, heard. For me, it is important that we get involved and that everyone contributes to the achievement of a better world for children. This better world is attained through immunization that protects children from preventable diseases and gives them a better start in life,” said Stanley Enow.