Dear World Leaders,
My name is Simon, I am 14 years old, I am in class 6 school at the Government Bilingual Primary School in the Minawao refugee camp in the Far North of Cameroon.
When I grow up by the grace of God, I dream of becoming a doctor. My mother will be happy. My mother told me “My son if you manage to become a doctor, it will be great and I will be very happy, because being a doctor is a great job. Doctors save lives.”
I will do my best to get there. My family does not have the necessary means to ensure my education. This is why I hope for the support of the Ministry of Basic Education and its partners such as Education Cannot Wait. I also ask for support for the young people in my community. Many young people in my area have dropped out of school because of insecurity issues. Some young people live in remote areas and do not have access to electricity and the Internet. Many girls are deprived of education due to local traditions, while other girls cannot go to school due to early pregnancy.
We ask Education Cannot Wait to build the schools, to buy us school supplies, books, notebooks, pens. I also want to have electricity and Internet in my school to learn online.
Dear World Leaders,
It is important to invest in education, because we are happy in school. We want to learn to become educated people to help our community to develop.
I would like you to reply to my letter.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to write to you and express myself.
Simon, 14, Nigerian Refugee in Minawao