Asta, the widow, opens the doors of her oasis to disaster-affected women and their children

UNICEF Cameroon
3 min readOct 5, 2024


Temporary Camp created by Asta for Disasater affected women and Children\ Photo credits: Fideline Minda

In the temporary camp for disaster victims in Pouss, Maga commune, the U Reporters and The World We Want (3W) young people met Asta, who has opened her doors to disaster-stricken women and their children…

‘I couldn’t leave them like that,’ says Asta. ‘They have no family here, how were they going to manage with their children without even a mat to sleep on?’

So Asta opened the doors to her home and her Garden of Eden. In Asta’s home, nature is king. Her home is a veritable oasis, where a fruit tree offers cool shade and delicious fruit. She is proud of the Eden she has created, which brings her so much joy and environmental protection.

‘Look at this tree,’ she says with a smile. ‘My son wanted to sell it for 500 FCFA when it was just a nursery, but I refused. I planted it here and now it’s giving us fruit. What could be better than a tree that produces fruit? Its shade is cool, and we enjoy its fruit.’

‘Yesterday, I sold her guavas for 1,500 CFA francs, which enabled me to buy a cup of rice’, she explains

Asta’s guava grove is also a haven for local children, who come here for fresh fruit when they’re hungry. ‘It helps us a lot,’ she says gratefully.

Amina, a mother of 10, and Hadja, a mother of 4, have found refuge with Asta. ‘I’m very grateful to Asta,’ says Amina. ‘We had nowhere to go, we were on the site but life on the site is not easy. She welcomed us with love and generosity. She gave us rooms and the mats for us and our children.’

Asta, who is enthusiastic about the benefits of trees, recently planted a mango tree behind her house, in the hope of enjoying its fruit soon.

‘I’m delighted to have planted this mango tree,’ she says. ‘I’m looking forward to the day when it produces fruit like my guava tree. I’ve already seen the benefits of planting the trees and I’m determined to plant more if I can find any.’

Asta is convinced of the importance of preserving nature. She sees trees as a source of food, shade and beauty. She is also convinced of the importance of education: as a simple peanut seller and head of family, she has put all her resources into ensuring that her children can go to school….

During her visit to the site, UNICEF Representative Nadine Perrault provided Asta with mats and blankets so that she could properly house the disaster victims she is helping.

__ Written by Fideline Minda, Communications Consultant (UNICEF office Maroua Cameroon)



UNICEF Cameroon

UNICEF works in Cameroon to give a fair chance in life to every child, everywhere, especially the most disadvantaged.